May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Monday 25 December 2023

Merry Christmas!

I was talking with one of my sisters about how it’s difficult to make it “feel” like Christmas here… it just doesn’t seem quite right. The hot weather, the lack of a cozy fire, those are just some of the things that made Christmas in North Carolina feel right. But in the last day or two, I have actually been feeling like it’s Christmas, for real. Not just pretending. I even found Christmas colors in a pineapple plant nearby.
Despite the mosquitoes and heat and without the cozy fire, gifts, beautiful tree, or candy canes. We don't even get a Christmas Eve service, and for sure Orcxance won't be home all day. I don’t know how exactly and I know feelings are not that important, but it’s like a small blessing from the Lord that I would have the sense that it’s Christmas and it actually seems right. I’ve spent seven Christmases in Africa, and this one is our last for a while. It definitely hasn't come with any trappings, and the girls suddenly got sick yesterday afternoon, so "the night before Christmas" involved lots of crying, high fevers and throwing up. But even so it's special somehow and complete. I feel thankful but also so ready to have this be a last. At least for a while.
All I have to give Orcxance this year is some beef jerky which he already saw so it’s not a surprise. Because of our upcoming trip and everything we are trying to get done, we’ve kind of skipped over the gift part, at least to each other. The girls assured me not to worry, my stocking won’t be empty because they lovingly cut up some scraps of paper to put inside.
It actually reminds me a little of Who-ville. You know, how they didn’t have anything extra once the Grinch stole everything, but they had each other and the joy of Christmas was really in their hearts and came out in a community song; all holding hands and making a joyful noise to the Lord. I guess I feel a little bit like that this year.
The kids have some things in their stockings, they know “what Christmas is all about,” I have diapers drying in the sun and I am joyful.
Merry Christmas!

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