May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Tuesday 2 February 2021

Loving our neighbors

Hi friends! As we get closer to going back home, I am stocking up on all the fun things for “our kids” who come over weekly for coloring, games and crafts. We have already purchased some items but we wanted to ask you all to join us in giving our neighbor children some fun times. Most of these kids have almost nothing and lack loving families. Orcxance and I seem to attract children wherever we live, and we love giving the kids opportunities for fun, games and Bible teaching. Things we have purchased or hope to purchase include art and craft supplies, games for indoors and outdoors, Christian films, projector for showing films in the community, coloring books, crayons and markers, first aid supplies, glue, scissors and stickers... to name a few! We really appreciate any donations toward helping our community and loving on the neighbor kids! Thanks in advance!