May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Wednesday 28 November 2018

no complaints

November is almost over, we've had some snow and I am winding down with my home care patients. I have learned a lot through this season of in-home skilled nursing care dealing with some complex health issues and different challenges. My patients have taught me much. I am thankful for how the families have welcomed me and been so gracious as I worked through the learning curve.

These past few months I feel that God has been teaching me to be thankful for the most basic things; like my own health and abilities to care for myself.

I may not have much; but I can walk. I can see. I can go to the bathroom unassisted. I can drive. Communicate. Hug people. I can get out of bed in the morning.

No excuse for complaining.

Wednesday 14 November 2018


It has been a long five months… but now with only one month to go until I head back to Congo, the time seems short. The days are going by quickly now. I am using my time up working, participating in social events, putting on a few parties myself and preparing for a sister's wedding.
We still don’t know exactly where we will be living. It could be in the city, or in the “country” or way up in the remote northern rainforest. But I am counting it all an adventure, and I am so excited to see Orcxance - that even the prospect of living far from "civilization" without electricity or running water is undaunting. I may have made up that word. I will provide an update in a few months, and we shall see if I remain undaunted. 

Anyway, we want to serve the Lord through serving people, no matter where that leads us. And so it's all an adventure...and yes, it does come with an amazing view.

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