May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Friday 1 November 2013

No Water

For the past week we have had no running water in the house, which makes me feel more Congolese, reminds me of "Primitive Week" and contributes to the inconvenience of life in general. Makes me appreciate our more cushioned life compared to those around us. Now I am hauling water from the well for doing laundry, washing dishes and purifying for drinking, as well as washing hands and flushing toilets. At least we have an indoor toilet, right?
Everybody else hauls their water from various places, and it makes you want to be more conservative. I'm thankful for the usually regular water supply we have in the house. This week reminds me of things I've started to take for granted. I'm also thankful for my Harvey neighbors who extended an open invitation to take showers at their house. When I knocked on the door Dr. Harvey immediately guessed my intent and declared, "Oh, it's a water refugee!" and let me in to wash up. So I'm not really complaining.

1 comment:

Sarah Grace said...

I like the Harveys. Love your posts, Kate! I'm so thankful for a friend like you who reminds me every day to appreciate all I have instead of grumble.