May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Gipsia Duvai

Gipsia is one of my little neighbor girls that loves coming over every night when I get home. She's about six years old and very sweet. Her older siblings, mom and other family members are pretty hard on her, and one of her older sisters in particular is always saying discouraging things to her and in front of her. Often several of them come over at the same time, and I noticed whenever Gipsia came over with them she was very quiet and almost never said a word, but loved just sitting with me. She has a really special place in my heart, and I wanted to get to know her better. One day she came over by herself, without the other siblings and she talked a lot. I invited her to spend the night with me, but her mom said she wet the bed every night. No big deal. When it came time for bed I had her go to the bathroom, then I put a piece of plastic and some towels down under her and we slept together in the big bed. I woke her up twice in the night to go to the toilet, and in the morning the bed was dry. She didn't say much about it, but I could tell she was surprised and happy. I told her to tell her mom. We had breakfast together and I went off to work and she went home. I was very thankful for such a great opportunity to spend time with her one-on-one!


Mother said...

Her smiles tells the whole story. Thank you Kate for taking time to write and post the pictures. It wouldn't be the same for us without this connection.



Sarah Grace said...

"He who has does these things unto the least of these has done it unto Me." You are a beautiful example to me of His tireless love!

Abby said...

Oh Kate what a sweet little girl! You are such a good example to all those around you and what a great neighbor! I love you!

Lauren said...

Thank you SO much Kate for all your posts and sharing with us a glimpse of your life there! God has placed you there for a purpose! From reading your posts I can see Him at work inside you and Him working through you. You are a blessing, Kate! I love you SO MUCH! I thank the Lord that you are one of my many wonderful cousins! I am thinking and praying for you right now.
Much Love,
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."