May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Sunday 24 November 2013

Being flexible is a real plus...

Last night I had the family of one of our hospital staff over for dinner. They live in the same quartier as me, and it's only about a five minute walk from their house to mine. I cooked one of my usual "close as possible to Congolese" dinners for them. Three of the neighbor girls showed up just before supper time, and then when the family actually came there were four kids instead of three. (They only have three children but they brought an extra). Thankfully there was enough food, even though I'd been planning to just cook for five people and not nine. Anyway, I was happy to have them and we had a nice evening together, despite the fact that the two littlest ones poured their food all over the floor, dropped cookie crumbs everywhere and then peed on the front porch because they thought the toilet was broken. (It is, but you can flush it by pouring water in). I have a great life. Really. And I can thank my mother for her example of accepting inconviences and trials with thankfullness. Like I said, being flexible is a real plus around here.

1 comment:

Sarah Grace said...

Mothers are the BEST THINGS to remember when there are inconveniences and things going exactly the way you DON'T want them to go. Especially OUR mothers. This post made me smile really big. :)