May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Tuesday 24 September 2013


This week I had the great honor of having a baby named after me. A friend of mine who's been at the hospital these past few months had a beautiful baby girl early in the morning. Dr. Harvey did a C-section which I assisted with. It was one of the scarier things I've done, and I wasn't expecting to go to the hospital that morning, let alone scrub in and assist, but that's how things turned out. Helping to operate was scary enough, but her being a friend of mine made it worse. Thanks be to God it went quite well and she and the baby are doing great. When I went to maternity the next morning to check on my friend and her baby she told me she wanted to name the baby after now there's a little Kate in Congo; my first namesake.


Esther Barry said...

Kate I love those pictures! Silas says especially the one when you are holding the baby.
I think I want to draw the first one. Is there any way I can get it off the blog to snap fish?

Abby said...

Oh Kate the baby girl is so precious! How does it feel having some one named after you? I love you!

Michelle said...

How sweet, I am glad the birth was a success, and that you were able to be such a big part of it!

Mother said...

We are so proud of you Kate!!!

I love you,
