May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Monday 12 June 2023

Snapshots from the last few weeks

We found some cool maps at the printing shop and studied them while waiting for documents to print.
Aravis had a botfly maggot in her head but we got it out. They do eventually come out on their own but it can take weeks and is an itchy and painful process.
Silas posing with people at the hospital. He’s been able to shadow the lab technicians and get a little experience.
Pasta from a local shop. I took a picture of this because it means “the White Rose” which was the name of a German resistance group during WWII (O faithful readers, correct me if I’m wrong).
Flatbread frying pan pizza and fresh pineapple
The girls’ fan came to a dramatic end
Fun with neighbors in the yard
Getting O ready for his trip and sending some bags of stuff to relatives and friends (I needed a good purge and our neighbors, friends and family are happy to be the equivalent of Goodwill for us)
Hot chocolate for rainy days
Silas cleaning fish he and Héritier caught together, and then the fried fish
Silas accidentally ran over and busted a badly placed water pipe and the road flooded; they got it repaired and blocked so it wouldn’t happen again
Art by Molly
The neighbor girls have been helping me out some

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