May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Friday 15 October 2021

Celebrating our October Babies

I wanted to use a post to share pictures from the girls birthday party. We did a joint party this past Sunday for friends and neighbors to celebrate Molly turning 2 and Eileen turning 1.
There were around 65 guests (invited and uninvited) and it went quite well with cake, games and balloons enjoyed by all. We did have a bit of rain toward the end but the dedicated kids stuck it out for more dancing and candy prizes after the rain subsided.
The kids came over the day before and made pictures for the party
We had a very dirty and trashy yard to clean up for the party but we did our best to hide the mess our neighbors left and we decorated as best we could with paper and balloons and fabric. The yard prior to decorating:
And after the decorations were up:
Getting ready doing hair, blowing up balloons and listening to music... We also had a Curious George movie playing on the computer to keep stray kids entertained.
The cakes were on the edge of disaster as most cakes I make here are, but as usual they walked the line between failure and success and despite the ghastly decorating attempts due to supply shortage, everyone loved the cakes.
Brothers: Papice and Amada
Sisters: Mariam and Maimuna
Daddy with the birthday girls
I made matching clothes for us as well as Orcxance’s sister but we forgot to get a photo with all of us together, probably due to the fact that we were too busy!

1 comment:

Abby said...

I loved this post! Thank you!