May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Water Anxiety

When we were teenagers we used to joke about having “food anxiety.” I think one of my cousins came up with this term. Do not be misled to think we were in any danger of starving or even having what people call “food insecurity.” Although there never was a real food shortage problem in any of our families, being in households with lots of children often meant that food would disappear quicker than one might like. Special things had to be hidden for preservation and bread wars were not infrequent. You had to write “DO NOT EAT” on items that you wanted to last until sunrise of the next day.
In my own home today, we rarely experience food anxiety thanks to the Lord’s provision, Orcxance’s hard work and the fact that we only have two children. However, I do frequently encounter what I will (for old time’s sake) call “water anxiety.”
Unlike many third-world countries struggling with droughts and famines; we actually have an abundance of water here. But, there’s always that day, once a week or so, that all the water pumps just seem to stop working. Ours is often the last to go, which is a good thing but it means that the neighbors flock to our yard to collect water. For some reason, this causes me to “panic” and feel like I need to horde water and collect as much as possible as quickly as possible. It may be a sign that I am becoming Congolese. Not that Congolese people horde things, but there is a general attitude, especially among children, if there’s something to be had, have it! You could offer a kid something without them having the slightest idea what you are offering them, and they will take it just because they can.
So when we have a water shortage and the neighbors and buckets start piling up in our yard, I have to fight off the temptation to run outside, push everyone’s buckets out of the way, and frantically fill every bowl and bucket we own with water.
I think to myself, ‘I’m going to need water today: I need water for dishes and baths and our sink and washing clothes and cooking! I better get to it before it runs out!’ It’s kind of like grabbing for bread at the dinner table or eating faster than necessary just so you can have seconds even if you aren’t especially hungry for a second helping.
Thankfully I have a husband who helps me curb my irrational desire to horde water. He takes the slow and steady approach, and somehow there’s almost always enough for us after the neighbors have their fill.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Thank you for sharing that, Kate!