May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Bucket etiquette

Bucket etiquette is a thing. Especially when there’s a water shortage. The first bucket in line has priority, and when the owner comes to fetch the bucket, it is an unspoken rule that he/she will move the next bucket in line up to the fill spot.
Breaking bucket etiquette can be done in multiple ways, including letting the water overflow the rim of the bucket while other buckets are still sitting in line, or jumping your spot in the bucket line, otherwise known as queue busting. If you arrive and see that a bucket (not your own) is full, it is proper to move the bucket and put the next bucket in line up to the fill spot, even if it’s not yours.
Now wasn’t that a bit of useful etiquette that I’m sure my readers can use on a daily basis...!?
On the many days there is plenty of water, my girls love their bucket time!
We’ve been dealing with water shortages and power outages again but we’re thankful there’s enough water for bucket baths! (pics from yesterday)
Molly was disappointed that there wasn’t enough today for her favorite outdoor activity “swimming,” which involves sitting in a bucket with a cup and the faucet on.

1 comment:

Abby said...

I love this post!