May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Sunday 25 October 2020

These Misty Highlands

Eileen is a little over two weeks old and we ventured out on our first hike since her birth. We went to the Rich Mountain area, suggested by Isaac. It was a great hike and not too strenuous for the recently pregnant. The leaves are still beautiful and the weather reminded me of a time years ago in Scotland, hiking the moors in the misty rain.
Molly was a great hiker but spent most of the time in the baby carrier and a little time on foot.
I figured out how to nurse on the go- while walking with Eileen in the carrier. So glad we have two carriers!
We had a picnic lunch at the top, amd almost got attacked by a cow on the way down.
Fun was had by all and I considered my workout done for the week.

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