May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Wednesday 4 December 2019

The trip

The trip to take Margaret back to Brazzaville was an adventure. It was baby Molly’s first trip out of town. 

The journey consists of a long bus ride with several stops and a long stretch of bad roads. 

We got an early start on the day. After a night with little sleep I woke before 5am and got myself and the baby ready. I managed to get Molly changed and dressed and partially fed, eat a few bites of breakfast myself but sadly left my hot coffee sitting on the kitchen table as we piled into the taxi with luggage and back packs. 

I secured Molly in the baby carrier where she stayed for the majority of the trip. I opted for this as the safest and most convenient choice so I could have both hands free for accessing necessary items and bracing myself against the seat in front of me so Molly would not get bumped around too much.

She slept solid for the first several hours, despite loud talking, jostling and music on the bus. She even stayed asleep through my quick shopping stop in Gamboma where the crowds are thick and the pressure to buy things is overwhelming. 

I normally would just buy a few things from the bus window but I had to get out to find what we wanted to give to my sisters in law in Brazzaville. I bought mangoes, pineapples, bananas, mbala, boiled peanuts and kwanga, and got back into the bus with some help with the bags from friendly hands.
Margaret and I ate bananas and peanuts for travel snacks. 

The problem of water... to drink or not to drink. After a bout of diarrhea and vomiting yesterday morning I was a bit dehydrated so drinking plenty of water today while traveling is a must. Unfortunately you can’t make a “toilet” stop anytime. It kind of depends on the driver and the Will of the People. Majority rules.

Margaret and I listened to Christmas music, since it’s officially December. We shared the earbuds and turned up the volume to try to hear our tunes over the general racket. 

After a few hours on the road we came to a stop. There was a large sections of washed out road ahead and a car had gotten stuck blocking the route the bus must take. It was a detour to the left of the main road, which had such huge potholes the bus couldn’t get through that way. 

Almost everyone got out of the bus and walked on ahead. I stayed behind long enough to change a messy diaper and then Margaret and I joined the throng walking and standing and watching the progress.

Two massive trucks came through the main road and muscled directly through the deepest water-filled holes. Meanwhile another truck hauled out the car which was blocking our way. When the traffic cleared the bus came through, we all got back on, and the trip continued. 

By the end of it I’d say the trip went well. Molly did not make any enemies on the bus; nor did I. That means she kept her crying to a minimum. She was a good traveler and is already becoming a“cultured” two month old. 

This is the first of many trips. 

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