May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Thursday 20 February 2014


"Je regarde vers toi, mon protecteur. C'est toi, Dieu, qui es ma forteresse."

Now that I have returned to the States, and North Carolina, and more specifically, Valle Crucis, I am spending the majority of my time either getting educated, or working to pay for it. I am hoping to get into the nursing program at Caldwell Community College, so this semester I am busy with the pre-req classes. The decision to attempt nursing school was long and slow in coming, but spending eight months at the hospital in Impfondo definitely spurred me on.

In addition to my nursing studies, I am doing a correspondence midwifery course, which I am finding very fascinating and it makes me wish I had known some of the stuff before I worked at H.E.L.P. But, all the better for when I return! I have hopes of doing the EMT course this fall as well, which will better equip me for work in our very hectic Salle de Urgence (E.R.)

So that just about covers my current educational status (and future plans), for those who are interested in what I might be doing in this "in between" time. I am working for the John Barry, CPA business (with my dad, brother and cousin) to pay for school. It's quite enjoyable actually, and may help me improve my office skills.

My blog will most likely lie dormant until my next overseas period, which will be a few years out. However, I might put in the occasional update for those who are still interested. Peace,


1 comment:

Sarah Grace said...

HOORAY FOR KATE! I hope your blog doesn't dwindle. Take up writing what the Lord is teaching you, or even everyday life on the mountain! Those of us who are no longer/not currently with our family will love it. :) I can't wait to see you again, and thank you for the update!!!