May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Monday 2 December 2013

Baby John

This mother has been at the hospital quite some time due to the fact that her toddler was sick and ended up having two blood transfusions. She was pregnant so couldn't replace the blood, so they stayed on, waiting for relatives to come and help out. If I had known about her situation I would have given my blood directly toward her debt, but at the time I gave blood I didn't know, and just gave it to the general storage because our lab director was getting desperate.
So she stayed on until she had her baby, a healthy little boy. My dad got to meet her when he was here, a few weeks before she had her baby. She's still in a tough situation and I've been trying to help her out. Her husband ran out on her and her older sister still hasn't showed up to donate blood. So many people like this here. Below is a picture of her toddler who was sick but is doing well now.
Anyway, she wanted to name the baby after my dad, so her baby's name is John. She probably won't ever forget the strange white man who didn't know her from anywhere, but was willing to give his blood to pay her debt.


Sarah Grace said...

My favorite post of yours so far. Thank you for putting into words the moments you see the holy in the common place. It makes me cry and makes me remember how great our Lord Jesus Christ is, and how far His hands reach out to His children.

Lauren said...

Yes! Thank you Kate for sharing! It makes me cry too and gives me goose bumbs!

Mother said...

No words, Kate, just tears as I sit here amazed - Immanuel, God with us!

Abby said...

Wow Kate! Father told us that he had donated blood but I did not know the story behind it! That is so amazing I just want to cry! God is so good!

Anonymous said...

That is truly amazing Kate! What a neat story!