May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Monday 16 September 2013

What if...?

I'm thankful for everyone's prayers...

...especially when there isn't a happy ending to everything.

The lady in Salle de Urgence died after four days of intensive care.

One of the extremely malnourished twins who was there at the same time didn't make it either.

Expensive tin roofing was stolen from the hospital.

The little girl we sent down to Pointe Noirre for surgery died a few days after she got there.

The medical container is still stuck in Pointe Noirre.

Dr. Henri's brother died leaving behind a wife and eight kids.

I think it's during these times that we look to God the most.

Sometimes healing comes through tears.

1 comment:

Sarah Grace said...

The Lord is good, Kate. He is good. I will pray for you and the hospital today.