May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Monday 23 September 2024


We survived our first camping trip as a family! It was a fun weekend at Watauga lake with the parents, Margaret and Charis at the campsite next to ours. We borrowed a tent and sleeping bags and Orcxance enjoyed getting up early and building the fire.
Father rented paddle boards and we all tried them out, even me. Micah also joined for the day on Saturday.
Salem had her first experience sleeping not in her bed, and she was very excited about it especially when she realized she could move all around the tent and explore.
I got some good camping tips from Anna which made logistics and food a little easier. The hardest part was probably the nights when I experienced a lot of pain which made sleeping almost impossible. The girls loved it and I hope we can go again next year.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Love these photos!! I see you on the paddle board:) Maybe we can join you guys next year!