May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Saturday, 31 December 2022

Happy New Year!

This past week we went to apply for Congolese passports for Eileen and Aravis (Molly already had hers) and then after lunch and naps we hired a taxi and went on a family outing.
We weren’t able to drive around as much as we wanted because there were roads blocked off due to the president being in town, but we got to see some helicopters parked in a field, the hospital and gardens and then we went to a restaurant and pool area and watched some kids swimming and then sat and ate special treats that Orcxance had bought.
The girls enjoyed seeing the small fake tree at the hospital.
We also got a quick look at a local cemetery, which was decorated with lots of fake flowers.
Esther took a turn driving and we only got stuck once briefly, due to poor instructions from the chauffeur.
It was a really fun evening and nice to go do something all together outside of the house, which is a rare event for us.

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