May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Thursday, 8 February 2018

I am still feeling pretty awful, but also feeling very loved. People here are so kind. I’m grateful to my midwife friends who have covered the shifts I was supposed to work. 
Our nursing supervisor Urbain left his meetings early just to come make sure I was okay and prescribe medicine for me to take. 

Several people have stopped by to see me and bring me food. Emily has been very thoughtful. She brought me vitamin C, a fan, snacks and movies to watch. Mama Esperance came over with cucumbers and sat and visited for a while. Mama Clotilde said she hadn’t seen me in a few days so she knew I was sick. She came to check on me. Gilbert brought over a cabbage. Adonai watered the goats for me. 
Mama Anne gave me juice, cooked me eggs and insisted on washing my dirty laundry. Papa Gaspard came to make sure I was still alive last night after the team meeting, which I missed. Luke and Ben stopped by this morning to make me laugh, telling me about giving enemas and stitching up cut-off fingers. 

I feel very blessed, despite being very sick..and I have hopes of getting better soon and being back to normal by the weekend. 


Sarah Grace said...

I love you Kate! Praying for your fast healing. So thankful the Lord has provided family members for you in Congo. <3

Unknown said...

So thankful for all of them. If you want, tell them the mama says "Thank you!!!!!!"

Unknown said...

So thankful for all of them. If you want, tell them the mama says "Thank you!!!!!!"