May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Sunday, 4 February 2018


I had the opportunity to go up the river to Enyelle for an overnight trip. It was beautiful on the river, very bumpy in the car, and a great trip overall. It was fun to see some other towns, get out of Impfondo and enjoy new places. Emily and I went together, with Papa Serge leading the expedition and looking out for us. Emily is also a Maternity nurse and a wonderful person. She was a big hit with some new friends we met in Enyelle and I enjoyed getting to know her better as we had some time to just sit around and talk.


Zainab Gul said...

Those cute dirty little toes in Africa! My goodness...the years fly. I think the desire to go to Africa dates from the time you were about five. Maybe younger. You'd know better than I.

Margaret Barry said...

Thanks for posting regularly!!:)

Sarah Grace said...

You are both beautiful women and I love you so much Katie Grace!!!