May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Kende Malamu Andreas!

Last night we had a going away party for one of the hospital staff, Andreas, who is moving to another town to continue his education. He wants to keep on studying nursing and advance to the next level. 
We had a lot of people over; more than we expected, and ended up pretty much running out of food. But it went well and I think everyone got enough and had a good time. :) 

Here is a photo of some of the guests:

After enjoying a big meal together and taking some pictures, we prayed for Andreas and then went around the circle and each person had a chance to ask him a question (or two) and then offer some advice. 

We will definitely miss his cheerful presence, his love for photography and his unique hats. 

Kende malamu…Nzambe apambola yo!


Faith Barry said...

Goodbye Andreas! Good luck! Berchavie is just as beautiful as ever!!

Faith Barry said...
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Faith Barry said...

I miss you Kate!!!!