May I find His joy even in my sorrow and His life in my death. To God be the glory!

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Expat Mama Recommends

A sun hat.
It’s always a good idea to have one of these around. Perfect for the outdoors, or indoors if that’s your style.

Saturday, 19 February 2022

Learning to share

Sharing a plate of peanuts was a real good exercise for the two-year-olds.
Eileen didn't try to take the plate away from the group like Molly did but she screamed at the top of her lungs when someone else took it out of her reach.

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Expat Mama Recommends...

Buy the local soap! Soap (for laundry, hands, cleaning and dishes) is something that is available here in abundance. The strong soap here can get almost any stain out of clothes, and we do some hard-core staining around here.
The best soaps come in three colors: white, tan and blue. My favorite is white because it looks so clean and promising, but tan is cheaper and works just as well. There is also a powdered soap available locally which we use for laundry that doesn't need to be scrubbed.
The only thing the soap doesn’t get out of clothes is oil stains; I’m still searching for a remedy for that.
But after washing out hundreds of poopy stained cloth diapers, my diapers (after two children) are still stain-free, thanks to the soap!
The only soap I would recommend “importing” is Burts bees baby shampoo/wash for when your babies are very small. The reason for this is so that it doesn’t sting their eyes. I actually still use this for my girls’ baths but the local soap varieties work great for everything else. No matter how dirty the clothes get, I can get them clean.

Monday, 7 February 2022

Expat Mama Recommends...

Today’s recommendation is sippy cups.
You can buy them here but they leak dreadfully and are twice as expensive as sippy cups from Walmart. So my tip is: stock up on sippy cups before traveling to a third world country! Buy more than you think you’ll need, and buy different kinds/brands. This is something I don’t think I could have too many of.
They break, the kids chew the plastic spouts to pieces, they get lost, and they get shared with neighbors... so it’s good to have a lot. I definitely should have brought more.

Thursday, 3 February 2022

Pineapple snacks

a neighbor gave us pineapple and it's something the girls love!